sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2015

The Invisible World of Women - Page 8

I remembered that some time after losing my husband, one client tried to talk to me without being able to, had canceled his mobile number, and it was to where she was calling. On the day we spoke her very nervous and worried about me said: You are thinking of doing bullshit, Edu does not leave me alone, asking me to help him, I want to talk to you today ...
I hung up and waited. I could not work, I sit in the building stairs when I heard the elevator door open, she was heading toward my room, I called her, sat next to me and told me what was happening, it felt like we were living together, for described with such rich detail exactly what I was living, when I came home and found myself alone.
I had no denying, something was happening there, she was talking to me and to him, that was on their side her. I remember his words using her mouth ... "Forgive me, I was selfishly thinking only me, alone in my sickness and in my pain, I left you with many problems of which I could have solved ... I never imagined you come to the end, because I'm sure that if it were another person, would have abandoned me like she was with the results of my medical exams in her hands, you were a warrior, stood by me until the last moment and now I ask you forgiveness, you are surrounded by false people, but do not give up, do not leave the office, remember what I always said, the office has always been you, I was just a pin ... (just as talked with me). You need to follow your life, but if you keep doing what is and is abusing this way, we will not meet again ... "
I heard every word, it seemed he was in front of me.
Then my friend said, he felt very breathless, still felt the body aches, but he was very worried about me.
Without any conditions to return to work I asked her to give me a ride home, we went out and talked a lot, I had so many questions.
And so the days passed and my contact with her was little, did not want to bother her with my concern, but one does not get out of my head, he was still suffering ...
In an evening of Tuesday, I sat down with the boys, Frederico and Ben-hur, and started talking ... Benhê, you're here are not you? You need to follow, remember when You told me what You felt in the lap of Jesus? Now I beg you, look at this light and follow, He expects you at the end of it ... It is quiet, I'll be fine, but for me it is important that you are well.
Wednesday in the morning the phone rings, It was my friend and said, I saw ... saw what? I asked her. I saw last time that Edu grabbed the arm of a fat lady and said, we can go, She is ready ...
The pain seemed to feel that I was cremating him again, and this time was no more ashes to keep me company.
With all these memories, I seek help in the spiritual world, a spiritual center, and to get there I was treated with so much love, so lovingly. The treat litter actually lay and a person with the laying on of hands is prayer and in exit, take water powered home. Only that. At the end of treatment, six sessions, another person who accompanies us talk to us. I will not lie I was sad when the treatment was over, I felt good as It, and she told me, calm down, do not want to put the cart before the oxen, everything has its time and you have a very great protection, and this It will pass ... While many have a guardian angel, you have three and is very well monitored. I left with this thought, everything will pass.
I knew everything I felt, sadness and disappointment I experienced were not going to beat me, because I always had humility, but in the face of so much suffering I bowed to my Father and asked Him: do not abandon me because without you I do not I will endure ...
It felt like I was living in hell, I think at times I came down, knock on the door and come back ...
Things were happening and understand what he meant by falsehood, for God was showing me each of them, as shown until today.
I still have a lot to talk about our Father, before the end of this page, I want to make it clear that I write here has nothing to do with religion, nor doctrines. I do not deny it was a period of many more questions on my part, many doubts and conflicts, but be assured that all responses I found in the Bible, because it was one of my options and talked with Him, I will answer your my FATHER and not of mouth of a man.

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